July 27, 2022



  • In the start day, posted in my GitHub profile the exercises of HackerRank realized in lasts days of study;
  • Done one more exercise about list in HackerRank;
    • I learned split lists in the python using function split(). Solution Here
  • Continued Article: How to Write Well;
    • I learned evitating repeting agents in the paragraphs through writing of the paragraph and after that rewrite it condensing the information
  • Created Super User in database for company project.
    • I learned how to make imports in the python shell on container of docker compose and how to use the managers on django ORM, it is by referencing the objects

Hacker Rank Exercise


The exercise request of the User, knowledges of lists envolving basic operating like append and pop. The first line of input in exercise is int N, being the number of commands of user would like to do. After that, request in the while, lines of command specifying the command and complement if is necessary(In the same line). Then, the challenge of this code is the syntax of IF for indetify what is the command, the way I solved it was the method split in python which split strings in list and using the position zero of this string getting the command and the next lines is the complements.

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