July 25, 2022



  • In the start day, realized exercises in hackerrank;
  • Monitoring meeting;
  • Rewrited the text in email utilizing the knowledges learneds in meeting;
  • Viewed content of python;
  • Inicied Article: How to Write Well

Hacker Rank

  • Realized exercise about string function in python
  • Realized exercise about list and repeat structure in python.

Content Viewed

  • Python Course: Lists(Video-PTBR):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1hTsbW50eM
  •  How to Write Well(Video-PTBR):https://adamfaliq.wordpress.com/2020/10/28/write-well/
  • Lists Python(Consulted-EN):https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_lists.asp


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