August 12, 2022
- Lessons in Duolingo(EN);
- On company project:
- Paused development of issue, starting study in http protocol:
- Learned the difference between method GET and POST
- Searched and write a resume for the main methods in HTTP protocol:
- Get: Request access to data from the website to the server;
- Post: Sends data to the site, there is no restriction on data size or type, not being visible in the url;
- Put: Sends the request to update a data that already exists on the server;
- Patch - Sends the request to update part of data that already exists on the server.
- Delete: Used to delete data;
- Options: Will make the request to the server to inform the communication options;
- Head: Identical to the GET method, but it will not return anything in the body;
- Head: Identical to the GET method, but it will not return anything in the body;
- Connect: Starts communication by establishing a two-way street between the 2 points or devices;
- Trace: This method concerns us with a test on the way to the server, verifying the same.
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